
  • Dhimas Dhimas Adi Satria Universitas Amikom yogyakarta
  • Ibnu Hadi Purwanto Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta
  • Ika Asti Astuti Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta




High Dynamic Range, RAW, Gambar, Backlight, Kamera


RAW files are files produced by digital cameras besides JPG or HEIF files. RAW files have a higher bit pixel data than JPG. These data bits are used to perform image processing in terms of lighting and coloring. In Photography, Backlight Images are visualizations of photo shapes that direct the lighting directly towards the camera, in this case generally obtained images with uneven lighting shadows and highlights. In this research, tests will be carried out to optimize the ability of RAW files to produce HDR files in case studies of backlight images. Testing will be carried out using the exploratory method by taking many backlight photographic image samples, and processing RAW files using various software from various platforms, so that it will produce parameters in optimizing the RAW file.

Keywords : High Dyanmic Range; RAW; Image; Backlight; Camera


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How to Cite

D. . Dhimas Adi Satria, I. Hadi Purwanto, and I. Asti Astuti, “OPTIMALISASI FILE RAW PADA GAMBAR BACKLIGHT DENGAN MENERAPKAN TEKNIK EDITING HIGH DYNAMIC RANGE (HDR)”, JINTEKS, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 21-25, Feb. 2024.


